JQub's openings for Ph.D. students [details].
Lab Introduction:
JQub was established at George Mason University in Fall 2021. The team focuses on the hardware/software co-design for the broad computing systems. The target application ranges from computer vision, natural language processing to scientific (e.g., medical and geophysics) AI-driven applications. The target hardware platform ranges from classical computing (i.e., FPGAs, ASICs, Computing-in-Memory, Mobile Phones, etc.) to quantum computing. The open projects from JQub can be accessed from GitHub. The team is open for collaboration from both academic and industry. For contacting, please email to jqub.gmu@gmail.com.
Weiwen Jiang [Bio] [CV]
Assistant Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)
College of Engineering and Computing (CEC)

Address: Room 3247, Nguyen Engineering Building, Virginia, 22030
Campus: Fairfax
Email: wjiang8@gmu.edu
Phone: (703)993-5083
Research Interests: HW/SW Co-Design
    Hardware Related
    • Quantum Computing
    • Embedded Systems
    • Domain-Specific Computing

    Software Related
    • Neural Networks
    • AutoML
Lab News:
2025/03    JQub Ph.D. Student Zhepeng Wang will be joining Amazon as a full-time Applied Scientist. Congrats to Zhepeng!
2024/12    PI Jiang received NSF CAREER Award. Thanks NSF.
2024/12    One AAAI paper led by PI Yang is selected as Oral Presentation, Congrats to Junhuan and Yi.
2024/11    One EMNLP paper is accepted, Congrats to Zhepeng.
2024/09    Our Tutorial on AI for Science on Edge has been accepted and sccussfully held at ESWEEK 2024.
2024/06    PI Jiang received Sigda Meritorious Service Award.
2024/06    The 2nd Quantum System Stability and Reproducibility Workshop (StableQ) has been accepted and sccussfully held at MICRO 2024.
2024/06    Three papers accepted by MICCAI 2024. Congrats to Yi and Zhepeng.
2024/05    Two papers accepted by GLSVLSI 2024. Congrats to Yi and Junhuan.
2024/05    PI Jiang receives CCI+A (CATAPULT) fund from the Virginia Innovation Partnership Authority
2024/04    NSF Cybertraining funded Quantum Pathways Workshop has been successfully given at Bowie State University.
2024/02    The very first quantum geophysic research (led by PI Jiang) is accepted by DAC 2024. Thanks our collaborator Prof. Youzuo Lin
2024/02    One research on using diffusion model for geophysic (led by PI Yang) is accepted by DAC 2024. Congrats to Junhuan and Yi.
2024/01    Invited as Track Co-Chair at IEEE QuantumWeek 2024.
2023/12    One paper is accepted by ICASSP. Congrats to Jinyang
2023/09    QuPAD won the Best Paper Award of IEEE QuantumWeek 2023 (as the Second Place in Track)!
2023/08    PI Jiang received NSF Cybertraining fund as lead PI. Thanks collaborators Jessica Rosenberg, Mingzhen Tian and NSF.
2023/08    PI Yang received the second-year continuous fund for Fairness in AI-Assisted Mobile Healthcare from NIH as site PI.
2023/07    PI Jiang received best poster award from ORNL's quantum computing user forum. [Details]
2023/07    PI Jiang received a fund on Quantum Learning from NSF OAC core program as lead PI. Thanks collaborator Qiang Guan and NSF.
2023/07    Invited for testimonial video for QuantumWeek 2023.
2023/06    Four papers are accepted by QuantumWeek 2023. Congrats to Zhirui, Jinyang, Zhepeng.
2023/04    Proposed Quantum System Stability and Reproducibility Workshop (StableQ) will be held at QuantumWeek 2023.
2023/02    Three papers are accepted by DAC2023. Congrats to Yi, Junhuan, Zhirui
2023/02    Invited as Track Co-Chair at IEEE QuantumWeek 2023.
2023/01    Student Zhepeng Wang Joined LANL as research intern!
2022/08    Won the Best Demonstration (Second Place) at the 32nd ACM SIGDA University Demonstration. Congrats to Daniel. [Details]
2022/07    The Quantum Pluse Learning is accepted by QuantumWeek! Congrats. to Zhiding.
2022/07    The first thoroughly study on Quantum Neural Network Compression is online now!
2022/06    Student Zhepeng Wang Received QSEC Graduate Research Fellowship. Thanks QSEC and Congrats to Zhepeng!
2022/06    Received ORIEI Seed Funding 2022. Thanks Office of Research Innovation and Economic Impact (ORIEI) and collaborators!
2022/06    One paper on AutoML based brain inspired computing for HW will be presented at ISVLSI 2022, Congrats. to Junhuan and Venkat!
2022/06    One paper on AutoML based brain inspired computing has been accepted by AutoML-Conf 2022, Congrats. to Junhuan!
JQub regularly recurits Ph.D. students who are interested in Q&A:
     [Q] Quantum Machine Learning
     [A] HW/SW Co-Design AutoML
     [X] Openings for Fall 2021 have been filled. Pls. check later for Spring 2022 (Update Date: May. 22, 2021)